一起来练习英语口语|What are you doing?

2018-10-09 10:10:57 发表 7394

一起来练习英语口语|What are you doing?


Mia:   Hey, Bruce. What are you doing?



Bruce:  I am going to the library.



Mia:   Me, too. Let's go together. Look at our new

library. It looks great.



Bruce:  Yes, it is very clean. We can't take drinks with us.



Mia:   And we have to keep quiet.



Bruce:  I know. After reading, we have to put the

books back.



Mia:    And we can't write anything on the books.



Bruce:  Reading is fun. Books are our friends.



Mia:    So we take care of our friends.



Bruce:  Sure thing.(当然了。)




library    图书馆

together     一起

great           很好的;太好啦

drinks          饮料(泛指喝的东西)

with             携带

quiet            安静




take care of  照料、照顾

Sure thing.  理应如此。


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12级 Lisa 4小时前


12级 Lisa 4小时前

@13级Mili 深有同感呢!

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