我们在观看电视纪录片《舌尖上的中国》的时候,自然会想到“吃货”这个词。“吃货”指“喜欢吃各类美食的人”。 那么用英语怎么说呢? 可以用 foodie或 foody 人们用不同表述来定义 foodie,跟着小编来看看吧! 1. A foodie/foody refers to someone who has an ardent and enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food. “吃货”指对烹调和品尝美食有浓烈兴趣的人。 2. A foodie/foody is a person who has a refined interest in good food and drink. A foodie seeks new food experiences as a hobby. “吃货”是对美食和美酒有雅趣的人。“吃货”把寻求新的美食经历作为嗜好。 你记住了吗 foodie and foody! 更多精彩文章