“海浪”的英文释义 sea wave; ocean wave; surf; The waves of the sea; 关于“海浪”的短语分享 无形海浪 Invisible Waves 海浪幅度 dimensionofwaves 极限海浪 extreme sea 海浪卷发 Soft waves 夏威夷海浪 Hawaiian Surf 海浪鼓 Wave drum ; Ocean drum “海浪”的英文单词是什么?例句分享 一些孩子甚至连海浪都未见过。——Some have never even seen waves. 我也加入了他们,投身于海浪中。——I joined them and plunged into the waves. 两百年前,英国工程技术就跨越了海浪。——Two hundred years ago, british engineering bestrode the waves. 游泳者在悉尼的淡水海滩清澈的海浪里划水。——Swimmers paddle in the clear surf of sydney's freshwater beach. 考虑到这些变数,海啸专家指出预测海浪高度非常困难。——Given those variations, tsunami experts warned that predicting wave heights was difficult. 看了这篇文章的人还看了下面这些文章