英语词汇的学习,背单词只是记忆单词的其中一种方式,抛弃一些国内纯背单词的手机APP,国外有什么免费学习英语的网站是可以直接或者间接提高我们词汇的呢?接下来小编将会为列出一些私藏的资源和技巧来定位小伙伴们的词汇量,练习大家的听力、阅读和口语,有些网站虽然不是语言类的学习网站,但是我们还是可以从中学到语言的内涵,这些英语学习网站都是小编亲测的,词汇战斗力满分! 1.Learn a Language In 100 Days This webside is to check out our free learn a languagechallenge. We created this free challenge after looking into studies on theeffectiveness of learning the most common words in English and other languages.Research has shown that by memorizing 1,000 of the most common words in anylanguage will help you become familiar with 85%+ of the oral language. 这个网站是一个检测我们免费学习语言的挑战。在研究学习英语和其他语言中最常见的单词的有效性后,我们创造了这个免费的挑战。研究表明,通过记住任何一种语言中最常用的1000种词汇,可以帮助熟悉该语言口语的85%+。 2. Read Children Books On Kindle in English You may have to leave the ego at the door before readingchildren books in English. But you’ll be rewarded for it, as children books areperfectly designed for English beginners to master their vocabulary and grammarskills. 在阅读儿童英文书籍之前,您可能抛弃自我。但是,你将会因此而获得奖励,因为儿童图书完全适合英文初学者掌握其词汇和语法技能。 3. Netflix Watch your favorite show on Netflix with English Audio orSubtitles.Since you’re already spending your weekends and nights"Netflixing and Chilling", why not challenge yourself to learnEnglish online as well? It’s likely that your favorite shows are alreadystreaming in English, so you just have to choose whether you want Englishsubtitles or no subtitles. 既然你已经花了你的周末和闲暇的夜晚去观看"Netflixingand Chilling",为什么不挑战自己学习在线英语呢?例如,当你最爱的综艺可能正在英文播放时,你只要选择是否需要英文字幕即可有在线学习英语的机会。 As a rule of thumb, if you are: 根据经验,如果你是: A beginner English speaker: watch with English subtitles andaudio in your native language 初学者英语演讲者:用英文字幕和母语录音 An intermediate English speaker: watch with English audio andEnglish subtitles 一个中级英语演讲者:用英文音频和英文字幕来观看 An advanced English speaker: watch with just English audio 高级英语演讲者:只用英文录音 4 . ESL HIP HOP Follow the top language bloggers online.The best language blogsare the ones that are written in the language you’re trying to learn. Luckilyfor us, that’s easy to find for learning English. When it comes to fun andeffectiveness, we love recommending creative English blogs like ESL Hip Hop. Ittakes the popular genre of hip hop music and celebrities, and integrates itinto learning English at the same time. 在线跟随顶尖的语言博客。最好的语言博客,它包含了很多你想学习的语言编辑风格。幸运的是,我们很容易可以在里面找到学习英语的技巧。当谈到趣味和有效性,我们喜欢推荐创意英语博客,如ESL嘻哈。它采用流行的嘻哈音乐和名人风格,并同时将其整合到学习英语当中。 5. Scrabble Scrabble is a classic game when it comes to improving yourvocabulary skills. While it may feel like a piece of cake playing in yournative language, it’s a completely different ball game when you play it inEnglish. Gather some friends that are also looking to improve their Englishvocabulary skills, and play together online or host a game at your place thisweekend! 拼字游戏是提高你的词汇技能的经典游戏。虽然它可能会像您的母语中的蛋糕游戏一样玩,但是当您用英文来玩的时候,它又会是一个完全不同的球类游戏。交一些也想提高英语词汇技能的朋友,并在这个周末在线玩或者约在一个地方一起玩! 6.All Ears English Podcast Podcasts are an effective and efficient way to learn Englishwhile on-the-go. Keep in mind that you’ll likely be performing another taskwhile you’re listening, so you want to pay close attention. You can eitherchoose to listen to popular podcasts that are in English or specific languagelearning podcasts that can help you learn English. 播客是一种在旅途中学习英语非常高效的一种方式。你要了解的是在你听播客时可能正在做别的事情,因此你需要密切关注。您可以选择收听英文的流行播客,或者可以帮助您学习英语的特定语言学习播客。 这些在线英语学习网站是不是充满了趣味?有你感兴趣的那一块吗?除去枯燥的背单词,我们也可以从很多其他的方向去学习英语,希望这些在线英语学习网站有你的Style! ----------------------------------------
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