导语:知乎上的神回复,针针见血,看完整个人都舒畅了。 1、交朋友的标准是什么? Answer: the wise man of the world, the strong man of the world, or normal and sunny ordinary people 2、男性更看重女性的相貌,还是思想? A: looks determine whether I want to know her thoughts, and thoughts determine whether I will vote against her appearance. 3、“别让孩子输在起跑线上”,有道理吗? A: parents are the starting line! 4.员工辞职最主要的原因是什么? A: less money, more distance from home, low power and less responsibility. 5.什么叫见过大世面? A: can enjoy the best and endure the worst. 6.省钱的好办法有哪些? A: remember the nine words of wisdom before buying anything: you like it, you need it, you fit it. 7.三十岁才开始学习编程靠谱吗? A: the best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago, followed by now. 8.你是如何走出人生的阴霾的? A: take a few extra steps. 9.扎克伯格初期是怎么保护 Facebook 创意的?为什么上线后没被其他大公司抄走? A: the best way to protect an idea is to execute it best. 10.情商不高的例子有哪些? Answer: be respectful to the stranger, be angry at the person of close at will... 11.把钱拿来念书还是环游世界更合适? Answer: reading. If you don't have enough knowledge, even if you travel 10,000 miles, you're just a postman. Isn't it? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<