【英语文章】这是假的吧?开豪车不利于找终身伴侣! Despite the hefty price-tag and pleasing aesthetics, both sexes when seeking a long-term relationship are unimpressed by extravagant vehicles, viewing their drivers as less reliable and more sexually promiscuous, according to the research. In fact, the study suggest that people who are seeking marriage should ditch the sports car and instead choose something sensible. It follows recent research which found that women believed Porsche Boxster owners were less likely to want a committed relationship than Honda Civic drivers. "This contrasts with the notion that men's conspicuous resource displays are attractive to women because they reliably signal expected future resource investment in partners and especially in offspring," said study author Dr Jessica Kruger, of the University of Buffalo. Compared to women, men have a greater tendency to conspicuously display their wealth. But a woman's preference for such displays reflects the type of partnership she is seeking. 例如,当她有一个短暂的记忆时,身体素质更重要,而当一个男人的财富决定一个可以为她的孩子提供的合适的生活伴侣时,他的财富更有影响力。 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习,
For example physical qualities are more important when she has a brief fling in mind, while a man's wealth is more influential when she is deciding on a suitable life partner who can provide for her children.