【英语阅读】周一,拥有800多年历史的巴黎圣母院发生了火灾,烧毁了教堂的顶部,庆幸大部分文物得以保存(关注本网站,每天更新实时英语新闻,文章底部有福利!) A massive fire consumed Notre DameCathedralon Monday,gutting and destroying the roof of the Paris landmark and stunning France and the world, but firefighters said they had saved the shell of the stone structure from collapse. Flames that began in the early evening burst rapidly through the roof of the centuries-old cathedral and engulfed the spire, which toppled, quickly followed by the entire roof. 法国亿万富翁弗朗索瓦·亨利·皮诺(Francois-Henri Pinault)周一承诺投资1亿欧元(1.13亿美元)用于重建巴黎的巴黎圣母院大教堂,该大教堂部分遭到毁灭性火灾。 In a statement sent to AFP the CEO of the Kering group, which owns Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent fashion houses, said the money towards "the effort necessary to completely rebuild Notre-Dame" would be paid by the Pinault family's investment firm Artemis. 在向法新社发送的声明中,拥有Gucci和Yves Saint Laurent时装公司的Kering集团的首席执行官表示,“完全重建Notre-Dame所需的努力”的资金将由Pinault家族的投资公司Artemis支付。 每天阅读一篇英语文章,持续保持英语语感!如果你还想获取更深层次的英语教学,请点击橙色字体部分,获取一对一课程! 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习,
French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinau lt pledged 100 million euros ($113 million) on Monday towards the rebuilding of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, which was partly gutted by a devastating fire.