【英语阅读】五一前夕,世界园艺博览会正式开园迎客。(五一将至,祝你假期快乐。关注本站,每天阅读时事,了解世界,增进知识) It will attract 110 countries and international organizations as participants and more than 120 non-official exhibitors. It will have 41 outdoor exhibition centers which will host about 2,500 activities, including those involving artificial intelligence and 5G technology. And it will draw an estimated 16 million visitors both from home and abroad. 本届世园会将有约110个国家和国际组织、120多个非官方参展方参展,41个室外展园将举办2500场活动,其中还将采用人工智能和5G高科技。预计世园会将吸引来自国内外1600万游客参观。 阅读了“【英语阅读】五一前夕,世界园艺博览会正式开园迎客。”的读者还阅读了: