【中英双语阅读】今天是世界环境保护日,让我们一起加入“蓝天保卫战,我是行动者”。(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识) On June 5, 1972, the United Nations held its first meeting of the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, and adopted the famous "Declaration of the Human Environment" and the "Action Plan" for the protection of the global environment, proposing "for the protection of this generation and future generations." And improve the environment" slogan. This is the first time in human history to study the protection of the human environment around the world. The 1,300 delegates from 113 countries and regions attending the meeting suggested that the opening day of the conference be designated as World Environment Day. 1972年6月5日,联合国在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行第一次人类环境会议,通过了著名的《人类环境宣言》及保护全球环境的“行动计划”,提出“为了这一代和将来世世代代保护和改善环境”的口号。这是人类历史上第一次在全世界范围内研究保护人类环境的会议。出席会议的113个国家和地区的1300名代表建议将大会开幕日定为“世界环境日”。 2019年的主办城市在中国杭州,大会主题是:蓝天保卫战,我是行动者。 Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. We should be proactive, take action now, and a little change can bring infinite possibilities. Here is a little suggestion from Xiaobian: 一、做绿色消费者.购买绿色环保的装饰材料或其他消耗品 二、自带筷子和保温杯,拒绝使用一次性木筷和杯子 Third,Refusing to purchase Chinese herbal medicines that are based on endangered species. 三、拒绝购买以濒危物种为原料的中药材. 四、拒绝使用珍贵木材用品,给动物一个安全的家. 五、双面使用每张纸. 六、随手关灯,节约能源 七、拒绝过度包装.如能用一个装下,绝不使用两个塑料袋 八、尽量坐公共汽车 或步行骑自行车 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习, 推荐阅读:
First, be a green consumer. Buy green decorative materials or other consumables