【中英双语阅读】注意啦!吸烟不仅伤肺,还会致盲(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识) The BBC reported on July 2 that the British Association of the Blind said that smokers are twice as likely to be blind as non-smokers. Cigarette smoke contains toxic chemicals that can irritate your eyes. For example, heavy metals such as lead and copper accumulate in the lens, causing cataracts. Experts say that smoking should be stopped or avoided in order to protect vision. BBC7月2日报道,英国盲人协会表示,吸烟者失明的可能性是非吸烟者的两倍。香烟烟雾含有有毒化学物质,可刺激伤害眼睛。例如,铅、铜等重金属会聚集在晶状体,导致白内障。专家表示,为保护视力应停止或避免吸烟。 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习, 推荐阅读: