【中英双语阅读】华为正式发布全新分布式操作系统:鸿蒙!为中国品牌。(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识) On August 9th, at the Huawei Developers Conference, Hongmeng OS finally unveiled the veil and can face the whole scene. Huawei released the full-site OS in order to break the wall between devices and the experience across terminals. 8月9日,华为开发者大会上,鸿蒙OS终于揭开面纱,可以面向全场景。而华为发布全场景OS,则是为了打破设备之间的墙,跨终端的体验。 鸿蒙OS的四大技术特性 这四大特性分别是:分布式架构首次用于终端OS,实现跨终端无缝协同体验;多端部署,实现跨终端生态共享;得益于微内核架构设计,终端设备更安全;可以确定时延引擎和高性能IPC技术实现系统流畅。 In Yu Chengdong's speech ppt, the development of Hongmeng system began in 2017. In 2019, Hongmeng OS1.0 will first land on the smart screen. In 2020, Hongmeng OS2.0 will be applied to innovative domestic PCs, watches/wrists and car machines. In 2021, Hongmeng OS3.0 will be used for speakers and headphones, and it is expected to be applied to VR devices in 2022. 在余承东的演讲ppt显示,鸿蒙系统研发始于2017年,2019年鸿蒙OS1.0版本将先落地于智慧屏,2020年鸿蒙OS2.0将应用于创新国产PC、手表/手环和车机,2021年鸿蒙OS3.0将用于音箱和耳机,2022年有望应用于VR设备上。 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习, 推荐阅读: