【中英双语阅读】中国女排九连胜,距离世界冠军还差两场。(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识) 北京时间27日下午,中国女排迎来了2019女排世界杯的第九场比赛,对手为实力强劲的荷兰女排。最终中国女排3:1战胜荷兰女排,迎来世界杯的九连胜。 On the afternoon of the 27th Beijing time, the Chinese women's volleyball team ushered in the ninth game of the 2019 women's volleyball World Cup, against the powerful Dutch women's volleyball team. In the end, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the Dutch women's volleyball team 3:1, welcoming the World Cup's nine-game winning streak After the war, the Chinese women's volleyball team had only two games left in the World Cup, which were against Serbia and Argentina in the next day. 推荐阅读: