【中英双语阅读】中国少先队建队70周年。(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识) 中国少先队建队日于1949年10月13日确立,2019年是少先队建队整整70周年。红领巾是红旗的一角。其实红领巾的历史悠久,源自俄罗斯的东正教。当年,伟大的革命祖师列宁领导人民在俄罗斯取得革命胜利,时为1917年。那时候东正教会在俄罗斯势力很大,小孩子每个星期天上“主日课”时都会戴着红领巾当作一个识别标志。在布尔什维克革命取得胜利之后,俄共(布)为加强孩子的共产主义教育,设立了少先队,那时候俄罗斯社会以红领巾当作一种光荣,俄共(布)就全盘接收,以红领巾作为少先队的一种标志,并赋予新的含义——红旗的一角。 The Chinese Young Pioneers team was established on October 13, 1949. The 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the Young Pioneers team. The red scarf is the corner of the red flag. In fact, the red scarf has a long history, derived from the Russian Orthodox Church. At that time, the great revolutionary founder Lenin led the people to victory in Russia in 1917. At that time, the Orthodox Church was very powerful in Russia. Children used red scarves as a recognition mark every Sunday during the Sunday school class. After the victory of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) established the Young Pioneers to strengthen the communist education of the children. At that time, the Russian society used the red scarf as a glory, and the Russian Communist Party (Buda) received it in full, with the red scarf as the Young Pioneers. A sign that gives a new meaning - the corner of the red flag. 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习, 推荐阅读: 【中英双语阅读】受肖华与莫雷言论影响,NBA中国赛今晚依旧照常进行 【中英双语阅读】NBA球迷之夜活动取消,多家中国企业暂停与NBA合作