【中英双语阅读】29晚上演“四星连珠”的天文奇观。(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识) According to astronomy experts, on the evening of the 29th, Saturn, the Moon, Venus and Jupiter will gather in Tianyu and form a straight line at a low altitude in the southwest, staged the astronomical wonders of "Four Stars and Pearls". 天文专家介绍,29日晚,土星、月亮、金星、木星将齐聚天宇,在西南方低空排成一条直线,上演“四星连珠”的天文奇观。 The four-star celestial horoscope on the 29th is a rare and rare spectacle. 29日四星连珠天象 这样神奇罕见的奇观景象真的是难得一见 The moon, called the overcast in the ancient times, is the only natural satellite of the earth. As the three large planets of the solar system, Saturn has the reputation of "The Lord of the Rings"; Venus is called "Taibai" in China. When it appears in the morning, people call it "the star" and when it appears at dusk, people call It is called "Gungeng Star"; Jupiter is known as "Giant Planet". 月亮,古称太阴,它是地球唯一的天然卫星。作为太阳系的三颗大行星,土星有着“指环王”的美誉;金星在中国被称为“太白”,当它早晨出现时,人们称它为“启明星”,当它黄昏出现时,人们称它为“长庚星”;木星素有“巨人行星”之称。 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习,