我的课室 必克英语


来源:必克英语 2014-06-19

Cinderella: Remember , you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar(醋).
Anastasia: What does that mean? Who'd want to catch flies?
Cinderella: I mean the best way to impress the baker(面包师) is just to be nice to him.
Anastasia: How do I do that?
Cnderella: You could start with a smile.
Anastasia: Better get me a bigger necklace.
Cinderella: Come on.
Anastasia: I make babies cry too.
Cinderella: Here. He'll never be able to resist.
Anastasia: You think so? but what if mother catches me? she told me never to speak to the baker again .
Cinderella: Maybe it's time to stop following someone else's orders and start following your heart.
Anastasia: it's late. I have to go.
Cinderella: But what about the baker? I could walk you to his shop. Meet you in the market at noon tomorrow?
Anastasia: I can hardly wait.

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上一篇:必克脱口一秀:美国的shopping文化 下一篇:必克BBC新闻:马航MH370失踪100天 家属悬赏500万美元寻黑



