生活中有多少事势不可挡,你必须去做?不由自主也好,走投无路也罢,你该向他人如何表达“情非得已”? 情非得已用英语怎么说 1. can not help but do something 挡也挡不住,拦也拦不了,表示“不由自主地要做一件事”,你就可以用上这个短语。 例:She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. 她不禁琢磨起他在想什么。 2. can not help doing something 与第一条同理,表达某件事“不得不”或者“没控制住”。 例:I could not help laughing. 我忍不住想笑。 3. have no choice but to do something 表达“实在没辙”了,没得选只能这样。 例:He had no choice but to leave. 他别无选择,只能离开。 4. can not keep from doing something 抑制不住,无法抵挡?这个短语可以帮你充分表达你的意思。 例:Hearing the words, he couldn't keep from laughing. 听了这话,他不由得笑了起来。 5. pushed to the wall 把别人推到墙边,说明这个人眼前已经没有其他的路可选了。 例:He was pushed to the wall. 情非得已用英语怎么说?例句分享 1.爱上你是我情非得已? Love you is out of my control 2.对我而言,接受治疗是情非得已的决定。 For me, the decision to undergo treatment was a no-brainer. 3.平时我对你(跟阿纲)一来是情非得已,但是今天,最令我失望的是就是你。 Usually I ( with arab league outline) first am the sentiment must to you already, but today, most makes is you which I is disappointed. 4.生活本就是最真实的剧本,我们都各自演着自己的角色,有时是真情流露有时却是情非得已。 The life originally is the most real script, we all respectively are developing own role, sometimes is the true feelings reveals sometimes actually is the sentiment must already. 5.对那些像本刊一样认为堕胎应遵循“安全、合法、节制”(比尔克林顿语)原则的人们来说,很多时候情非得已,而堕胎这种个体行为对社会的的累积效应是灾难性的。 For those such as this newspaper, who think abortion should be “safe, legal and rare” ( to use bill clinton's phrase), a lot depends on the circumstances, but the cumulative consequence for societies of such individual actions is catastrophic. 看了这篇文章的人还浏览了下面这些内容 雅思口语测试 http://www.spiiker.com/ielts/