一些外企之类的公司,面试的时候一般都会叫你用英语介绍自己。为了追求效率,往往只有一分钟的时间给你介绍。怎么样才能打动面试官,需要克服紧张、表述清晰、言之有物和投其所好。下面小编为大家准备了英文面试自我介绍1分钟的例子,一起来学习吧! Good morning, I am xxx. I obtained my doctoratein computer science in Tsinghua University. (亮出你出色的教育背景) ----10秒 From my education I obtained outstandingskills in programming. During my internship at xxx company, I utilized my skillsto increase the working efficiency of the company by 30%.(亮出你突出的实习表现)----20秒 The reason I applied for this position atyour company is that I’m really impressed by your rapid development as astartup and I totally agree with your human-oriented concept. (表示赞成企业文化和理念)---20秒 As a very self-motivated person, I’m sure Ican be a great asset to your group. (表达想加入的意愿) ----10秒 提前准备好英文自我介绍很有必要,当然面试的时候还是要随机应变的。如果自己英语口语表达不好的好,就需要平时多加学习了。如果需要,我这里有免费的英语学习试听课:https://www.spiiker.com/daily/?qd=jzyz7。