我的课室 必克英语

He’s got his head in the clouds. 他已经心不在焉

来源:必克英语 2009-12-04

In English, if someone is not fully aware of a situation, we can say “he’s got his head in the clouds”.

For example:

1. When we were watching the comic magazines, my sister has got her head in the clouds. I know she hates comics.

2. Have you got your head in the clouds? I just mentioned this point in the meeting.

3. My head has got in the clouds when the teacher asked me that question.

Now, try to use ‘get one’s head in the clouds’ to describe someone who is not aware

of a situation.

See you next time!

Spiiker mouth


上一篇:let the cat out of the bag 让秘密泄露 下一篇:It’s as easy as pie. 太简单、极容易



