又到中秋佳节,近年来人们喜闻乐道的莫过于各色的月饼各色的馅儿,小朋友们向外国友人介绍时,用英语该怎么说呢?小编给您备齐啦! 童鞋们先来熟悉下月饼种类的英文说法吧。 广式月饼:Cantonese-style mooncake 苏式月饼:Suzhou-style mooncake 京式月饼:Beijing-style mooncake 冰皮月饼:Snow skin mooncake;Ice-skin moon cake 低糖月饼:Low-sugar mooncake 无脂月饼:fat-free mooncake 接下来,该月饼馅登场喽!常见的各种馅月饼的英文说法奉上! 豆沙陷月饼:Sweet bean paste mooncake;red bean paste moon cake 枣泥陷月饼:Jujube paste mooncake 五仁陷月饼:Five kernel mooncake 莲蓉陷月饼:Lotus seed paste mooncake 小编在这里提醒各位童鞋:月饼馅中文里有“的”和没有“的”,在英文中表现也不同哦~~ 蛋黄馅的月饼:The moon cake filling egg yolk 凤梨馅的月饼:The moon cake filling pineapple 草莓馅的月饼:The moon cake strawberryfilling 粽子的月饼:The moon cake dumplings 肉粽的月饼:The moon cake filling Dumplings 下面是各种奇葩月饼,统称中国十大“奇葩”月饼(Ten weird mooncakes made inChina),有了这些神神句,孩子的英语绝对加分! 巧克力辣牛肉月饼:Chocolate mooncake with spicybeef filling 酸辣月饼:Sour and spicy mooncake 腐乳月饼:Fermented bean curd mooncake 奶酥松露鹅肝月饼:Mooncake with fillings ofcream, truffle and goose liver 韭菜鸡蛋月饼:Mooncake with leek egg filling “十仁”月饼:"Shiren" mooncake 梅菜扣肉月饼:Mooncake stuffed with braisedpork and preserved vegetable in soya sauce 竹炭月饼:Bamboo charcoal mooncake 方便面月饼:Instant noodle mooncake 豆沙月饼炒西红柿:Mooncakes with bean-tastefilling fried with tomatoes 最后,如果再加上最近的流行用语,孩子的口语会溜到飞起哦! 到碗里来 Come to the bowl! 总有一款适合你There is always a suitable foryou! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 必克英语培训课程,在线英语学习, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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