【日常生活英语口语100情景】今日话题:风味小吃。每天给大家分享一篇日常生活英语口语情景。内含实用常见词汇、短语和重点句型,喜欢的朋友可以点赞留言!(关注本网站,持续更新大量日常生活英语) Words Storm 常见词汇 Gado Gado马来饭团 sushi 寿司 moussaka 慕沙卡茄子派 tiramisu 提拉米苏 fried bread stick油条 steak and kidney pie牛排腰子派 curry 咖喱 spaghetti 意大利面 burrito 墨西哥玉米煎饼 borscht 罗宋汤 fondue 芝士火锅 kimchi 泡菜 kebab 土耳其烤肉 seafood paella西班牙海鲜烩饭 tart 水果馅饼 fajita墨西哥卷饼 nachos 墨西哥薯片 sidewalk snack booth/food stall大排档 Useful Expressions 你觉得怎么样? 我饿了,咱们去小吃店吧。 我一般在街角的大排档买午饭。 我昨天吃到西班牙海鲜饭了。 那是一种马来西亚饭团。 蜂蜜酸奶是一种在希腊最受欢迎的日常甜品。 制作方法特别简单。 你一般在哪儿吃意大利传统菜? 你用什么吃这些东西? 在摩洛哥你要用手吃饭。 What unusual food do you want to try? 你想尝尝什么特别的食物? 我在苏格兰尝过牛排腰子馅饼,味道真是很奇怪。 There are many varieties of dim sum to choose from. 有很多种点心可供选择。 This special Thai finger food can only be described as tastebud-tantalizing! 这种特别的泰国小吃的味道简直可以用“致命诱惑”来形容。 A fried banana is a tasty local delicacy. 炸香蕉香脆可口,是地道的当地美食。 天妇罗是一种常见日本食品,是油炸的蔬菜或海鲜。 分享一家已有十年的在线英语培训机构,采用固定欧美外教+专属助教2对1的授课模式,课程是根据学员的英语水平和个人需求量身定制的;助教老师全程陪伴监督学习,学员无需约课抢课;月末还有学习报告反馈情况。体验课会帮助学员进行英语测试,地址:【http://www.spiiker.com/daily/?qd=king】 推荐阅读:
How did you like it?
l'm hungry. Let's go to the snack bar.
I used to buy lunch from the food stall located at the comer of the street.
I tried Seafood Paella yesterday.
It's a kind of rice ball in Malaysia.
Yogurt with honey is a favourite everyday dessert in Greece.
They're surprisingly easy to make.
Where do you usually eat a traditional Italian meal?
What do you use to eat those foods?
At a Moroccan table, you eat with your hand.
I once tried steak and kidney pie in Scotland ,and it was pretty strange.
Tempura is deep fried vegetables or seafood,which is commonly eaten in Japan.