我们在学习英语当中,都会知道英语单词都是由几个单词字母拼凑在一起,那么有的英文单词会显得很平凡,而有的英语单词拼凑起来会特别华丽,还有的英文单词会显得非常有意境。 那么你觉得你学过的英语单词有那几个是非常有意境的呢,那么小编觉得下面这是个英文单词是非常有意境的了,下面给你们分享一下! Serendipity (n.) 释义:意外的惊喜 例句: We all have experienced the serendipity of important information arriving just when we were least expecting it. 2 Petrichor (n.) 释义:雨后令人愉快的泥土气息。 例句: Although I do love the pleasant, dewy petrichor of the post-rain afternoon, I still hope the weather stays sunny. 3 Solitude (n.) 释义:孤独;一种与世隔绝的状态。 例句: We enjoyed the beauty and solitude of the quiet beach more than ever. 4 Aurora (n.) 释义:孤独;一种与世隔绝的状态。 例句: The aurora over the skyline was too beautiful not to photograph. 5 Hiraeth (n.) 释义:对于无法回去或不曾存在的家所产生的乡愁 例句: 6 Mellifluous (adj.) 释义:形容声音甜美 例句: My friend does not indulge in what he calls flattery, false praise and mellifluous comments. 7 Sonorous (adj.) 释义:形容低沉、浑厚的声音 例句: "Doctor McKee?" the man called in an even, sonorous voice. 8 Aquiver (adj.) 释义:形容兴奋到发抖的感受 例句: She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. 9 Ethereal (adj.) 释义:优雅的;如空气般轻盈 例句: She's the prettiest, most ethereal romantic heroine in the movies. 10 Iridescent (adj.) 释义:如彩虹般的五颜六色 例句: With iridescent fins and scales as stunning as any mortal evening gown, a rapturous sea nymph rises from the depths clasping a cache of saltwater pearls to beguile her land-bound lover. 以上这一些单词你都记下来了吗?要是没有的话,可以收藏起来日后慢慢看,也祝你们在英语的学习到道路上越来越顺利! 要是你们想要知道自己英语口语水平等级,可以点击【https://www.spiiker.com/daily/?qd=syjl】上一节体验课程过后就可以知道自己的英语水平等级啦!
After this comes a set of variations on a Welsh folk song, " Hiraeth ."