不嫉妒,不迎合,有话聊,不尴尬 No jealousy, no pandering, no conversation, no embarrassment --------两个人相处的最佳状态 1.你这病很严重;2.但是还能治;3.不过需要很多钱 You have a serious illness. But it can be cured. But it takes a lot of money--医生的三句话能让你感受到人生的波澜起伏 西游记告诉我们,凡是有后台的妖精都被接走了,没有后台的都被一棒打死了 Journey to the west tells us that all the goblins with backstage were taken away, and those without backstage were beaten to death----西游记新解 学了二十多年的对错,却发现现实只讲输赢。 After learning right and wrong for more than 20 years, I found that reality is only about winning or losing. -----食物是彩色的,并非只分黑白 我的的干货,分享出来了,希望能帮到你。如果你有干货,联系小编,快快转发评论!