听说每个中国人平均每天摸150次手机,我笑了:怎么可能?明明就一次,睡醒拿起,睡前放下。 Hearing that every Chinese touches their mobile phones an average of 150 times a day, I laughed: how is that possible? Just once, pick up and put it down before going to bed. ---网友如是这样说 中国几千年解决不了的重男轻女问题,竟然让房地产解决了! China for thousands of years can not solve the son preference problem, let the real estate to solve! -----丈母娘们 自拍三千,只取一张。 Three thousand selfies, just one. ----朋友圈自拍修养 不要轻易评价别人,因为你没有经历过他的人生。 Don't judge others easily, because you have never experienced his life. ---- 网友小芳 感谢网友的分享,有喜欢的给小编点个赞!